Supplier Directory
Welcome to our Suppliers Directory pages.
Member councils informed us that having access to a central point of information when sourcing services within their community would be of great assistance – especially when three quotes are required to ensure value for money and to comply with Standing Orders. We are compiling a directory of local and national services to help councils; please click on Current Suppliers to see what we have so far.
We would like member councils to inform us of any high performing service suppliers they use as we can approach them to come on board. Please get in touch with our head office on 01269 595400 or email:
Service suppliers
We have 732 community and town councils in Wales split, 242 in North Wales, 184 in South Wales and 309 in Mid and West Wales - if you would like to advertise on our website please do not hesitate to get in touch with our head office on 01269 595400 and we can discuss your requirements. You will just need to complete a short form and we’ll do the rest.
We look forward to hearing from you.